The ABCs of Roof Storm Damage

Severe weather is unpredictable, and your home could sustain storm damage when you least expect it. As a homeowner, you should be prepared to deal with this emergency. In today’s blog post, John David Andress Construction, Inc. discusses the ABCs of organizing roof repair for storm damage.

Assess Your Roof After the Storm Passes

Once the storm has passed by and it’s safe to go outside, you canassess the storm damage to your roof. Standing on the ground, use a pair of binoculars and look for signs of damage like broken or missing shingles and loose flashing. Estimate the size of the damaged area and record specific details. Note the location of any exposed sections of the roof. It’s important to take detailed notes and as many photos as possible for the sake of your insurance claim.

Begin Protecting Your Interior

If the damage to your roof is extensive, then may need to take measures to protect the rest of your home. Remove valuables from leaks and place buckets or garbage cans under the leaks. You should also place plastic over your furniture, rugs and other items that could be reached by the leak. You can also call an expert in asphalt shingles and metal roofs like us to perform temporary repairs on your roof.

Call Your Insurance Company and/or Your Roofing Contractor

It’s important to contact your insurance company and/or your roofing company as soon as possible when dealing with the aftermath of storm damage. Make sure to provide as much information as possible. When choosing your roofing company, always work with a local, certified roofing company. Avoid traveling roofing teams that go around and try to pick up clients. They might be storm chasers. It’s safer to stick to the established roofing companies in your area.

John David Andress Construction, Inc. is one of the leading roofing companies in our local area because of our many years of experience, excellent products and first-class workmanship. We have the knowledge, skills and resources to deal with any kind of storm damage. We also offer emergency service dispatch repairs. Call us at (850) 659-3076 to learn more about our services and products.